The City of Moses Lake is resuming water conservation throughout the city’s water distribution area starting on July 1 of 2019 and will run through Aug. 31, 2019. During July and August, irrigating and washing of vehicles is restricted. Addresses with odd numbers are allowed to irrigate and wash vehicles on odd numbered days.
Addresses with even numbers are allowed to irrigate and wash vehicles on even numbered days.
Any property with irrigation meters two inches (2") and larger are restricted to irrigating from midnight to 8 a.m. or on a schedule approved by the City of Moses Lake’s Municipal Services Director.
Moses Lake receives an average rainfall of 0.44in. in July and 0.25in. in August. In January Washington State environmentalists predicted a lower than average amounts of precipitation for the area during the summer of 2019. We are expected to see this as early as May of this year according to the National Weather Service.