- Moses Lake, WA
The Downtown Moses Lake Association is presenting two more events – Summer Street on 3rd and Downtown Open Mic Night. Summer Street on 3rd will take place on Saturday, August 14th. The event will closes a section of Third Avenue from Division
St. to Ash St.
Open Mic Night will be held on Thursday, August 26th. The event is tailored to musicians and comedians and invites them to perform on stage at Sinkiuse Square.
"Our hope is that our community will venture downtown to explore the businesses and try something new." said the Downtown Moses Lake Business Association.
The Downtown Association said “We facilitate projects that create a stronger and more vibrant community through memorable
experiences and opportunities”.
Event Details:

Summer Street on 3rd brings all our new outdoor dining furniture into the street so people can grab takeout from restaurants and enjoy a setting slightly out of the ordinary! We have yard games, live music, and a few activities to join in on throughout the day. Yoga in the Square with O2 Studio at 9:15am (register online), Stories in the Square with Moses Lake Public Library at 10:30am, Live Music from 12:00pm-3:00pm and the downtown businesses have a few of their own in store promotional events as well! Summer Street on 3rd is Saturday, August 14th from 9:00am-4:00pm. Downtown Open Mic Night is a simple and fun event that we hope will continue into the following years. We invite our community to perform anything they’d like as a crowd gathers in the grass at Sinkiuse Square. Participants are encouraged to grab takeout from a downtown restaurant and meet us with a blanket or a chair. Those looking to perform can message (509)-770-1700 with their name and act!

Downtown Open Mic Night is Thursday, August 26th from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Both events are meant for the whole family to enjoy. We are asking our community to join us as we
support local and celebrate downtown businesses. Please contact Lexi, Executive Director of the Downtown Moses Lake Association at (509) 770-1700 or director@mlbacares.org with any questions.