Light up Moses Lake is bringing Christmas joy to Moses Lake safely through a drive through style event that will take you from at Sinkiuse Square downtown and goes through downtown and around decorated houses and business across the city to the red parking lot at the Grant County Fairgrounds as the ending point where all of the ag parade float entries will be parked for drive-by viewing and voting as well.
Families drive the route following the map while listening to Christmas Music, select the entries they like best in each of three categories (residential, commercial, and Ag/Stationary parade floats), and go online to vote or mail them in to the paper or drop them off at the end of the parade route that night.
The event is also ask families to bring non-perishable food items and/or unwrapped toys/Christmas gifts) and drop them off at Sinkiuse square or at the fairgrounds the night of the event. The Downtown Moses Lake business Association will also share a list of businesses that will serve as drop off points beginning now through December 4th, as the DMLBA secures drop off locations, they will also share them on their Facebook page. These donations will benefit the Food Bank and Foster Care families.