- Moses Lake, WA
The Moses Lake School District has developed a School Recovery Task Force with over 70 teachers, staff, and administrators. The goal is to focus on reopening school while keeping students safe and healthy, mitigating and minimizing the spread of Coronavirus while also prioritizing equity and inclusivity in learning amongst students, and support our families and community.
The task force focus groups include: – Safety, Training, and Orientation – Health Screening, Hygiene, Masks – Universal Screening & Diagnostic – Facilities Cleaning & Disinfecting – Transportation & Food Service – Feedback and Grading – Social-Emotional Needs & School-Wide Behavior Supports – Family and Student Voice & Community Partners
– Professional Development
In a release by the Moses Lake School District they stated,
The planning for the upcoming school year is being informed by guidelines from the Center for Disease Control, Grant County Public Health District, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, and other agencies. We are also referring to local, state, national, and international models and examples of schooling during the pandemic as we develop our plans.
These plans will need to be flexible as we anticipate there will be ongoing local and regional developments resulting from COVID-19 throughout the next few weeks. We fully anticipate the need to make adjustments to how we deliver instruction and to services offered for our students and families.
As part of our community, your feedback is valuable and necessary while we navigate the challenging planning process.
The link to the survey is below.
English 🇬🇧 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfF_GMJ0X4gXKTVp94Cq1vDPOMJY5hFPNyynmqOt7lnQAcYJw/viewform
Español 🇪🇸 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf28y7LV2GzcikqjcPeB527wNSxm_7z7SIfkJO3VGHGjwxHLQ/viewform