- Ephrata, WA
Scammers are targeting bank members of a local credit union in Moses Lake and Ephrata. The Credit Union Granco is only for employees of specific companies and school districts and sent out an email stating that the scammers have the same caller ID as the bank and are advising their victims they ”detected“ a fraudulent transaction on their debit cards and are asking for the expiration date and CCV codes.
In an email statement the local credit union said “GRANCO will never ask for the 3-digit security code on the back of the card or your PIN number. This information is not stored anywhere on our system so we would not be able to verify it.”
If you have received a call from someone that says they are from GRANCO FCU and you are not sure it's a legitimate call, the bank is telling their members to hang up and call them at (509) 754-5233