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The early 60s are making a comeback, Drive in Movies coming to Moses Lake

- Moses Lake, WA

The City of Moses Lake’s Parks & Recreation is launching Movies on Wheels at the Paul Lazier Athletic Complex parking lot on Aug. 15. Movies start at dusk, at 9 p.m., on all dates. The movie nights are free and open to the public. Audio for the movies will be broadcast through an FM station people can tune to. Cars or the someone in the car must have a working radio to listen to the movie. The City of Moses Lake said they will provide the FM station number closer to the movie date and will be posted on site as well.

CDC guidelines will be in place throughout the event. People are asked to stay in their cars unless they need to use the restroom. The City also asks the public to maintain social distancing from others and must wear masks if they leave their cars for any reason. No alcohol is allowed during the events.

“We hope that during a time when we’ve had to modify our programs, this will provide something new and fun for our community in the last weeks of summer,” City Recreation Supervisor Carrie Hoiness said. “In fact, it just puts a new spin on Movies in the Park, to Movies on Wheels!”

The Paul Lauzier Athletic Complex is located at 933 Central Dr., Moses Lake.

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