Written by MLWA 7 Staff

OLYMPIA - Washington State Lieutenant Governor Cyrus Habib will not seek re-election in November.
Habib began his term in January 2017 after being elected in November of 2016.
In his role as Lieutenant Governor of Washington State, Habib serves as President of the Washington State Senate, fills in as acting-governor whenever Governor Jay Inslee leaves the state or is unable to serve. Habib would accede governorship if there is a vacancy.
On Thursday, Habib confirmed he would not be seeking re-election, a surprise to Democrats in the state.
“While we all continue to deal with the enormous challenges posed by the Coronavirus outbreak, I would like to take a brief moment to share some personal news,” Habib stated. “I have decided that I will not be running for re-election this year, and instead will pursue a different calling by joining the Jesuit order of the Catholic Church. I am deeply grateful to those who have made it possible for me to serve these past 8 years in public office. While I am in office, I will continue to use the power I have been given by the voters to ensure we move urgently towards the day no one feels excluded in our society. But over the last few years I’ve felt called to a different vocation, albeit one that is also oriented around service. I have come to believe that the best way to deepen my commitment to social justice is to reduce the complexity in my own life and dedicate it to others. I am more grateful to to all the volunteers, donors, staff, and colleagues who have accompanied me on this journey than I could possibly reduce to words here,” Habib said Thursday.
Washington State Governor Jay Inslee said in a statement he was surprised to hear Habib would not be seeking re-election this November.
“Cyrus’ life and career are an inspiration to many. He has had a meteoric career in elected public service, so I was surprised when he called me this morning to say he wasn't running again. While the news was unexpected, anyone who knows Cyrus is not surprised by his commitment to faith. I have no doubt his future in the Jesuit priesthood will bring much good to a world that needs it right now. Trudi and I wish Cyrus all the best as his life of public service now turns to a new stage that will be impactful to many,” Governor Jay Inslee stated.